Origami Inflatable Goldfish Folding Instructions
Origami Inflatable Goldfish Step 1: First, you need to make a waterbomb base.
Origami Inflatable Goldfish Step 2: Fold the right flap over to meet the center crease.
Origami Inflatable Goldfish Step 3: Now fold the left side to meet the center crease.
Origami Inflatable Goldfish Step 4: Fold the right tip over to the center.
Origami Inflatable Goldfish Step 5: Now fold the left tip over to the center.
Origami Inflatable Goldfish Step 6: OK, we will now fold the top tips down on the dash line as shown below.
Origami Inflatable Goldfish Step 7: FLIP paper over.
Origami Inflatable Goldfish Step 8: We will now fold the right and left edges over to meet the crease in the center shown by the dash line below.
Origami Inflatable Goldfish Step 9: Fold the left flap only over to form a triangle as shown in the photo below.
Origami Inflatable Goldfish Step 10: Now, we'll bring the left flap over to the right. Follow the photos below.
Origami Inflatable Goldfish Step 11: Time to inflate the goldfish!! Take a deep breath and blow as hard as you can into the goldfish. The 1st photo below show the general area and the 2nd photo is a close-up whereby the arrow marks the spot to blow into.
Origami Inflatable Goldfish Step 12: and there you have it! Your origami inflatable goldfish!
I must admit that my goldfish did not inflate as much as I thought it would. Did yours? Send us your photo and show us!
Thanks to Gir for this origami inflatable goldfish. "This is my origami inflatable goldfish. it inflated better cuz i tucked in the flaps instead of just folding them down."
From reader in Anchorage:
From Anni in Paris " Origami inflatable goldfish! My first one I LOVE it!!! Thanks so much for helping me on the way. oh yeah, it is hard to inflate. "
From Jordi in Mason Ohio " I really liked making the inflatable origami fish and I hope my friends at school get to see this page. I did not have much trouble inflating this fish since I have already made an inflatable balloon. "
From MJ in Calamba " Took time to inflate it.. "
From reader in Philippines " This is my first try..!! i think it goes well.. i just use an ordinary school paper..! i didn't put eyes on it cuz i can't see any marker..!! nice instructions..!! "
From reader in Trenton "Origami inflatable fish. I think you guys should make a dragon, kangaroo, wolf, macaw stuff like that. thanks! "
From reader in Nacogdoches " This was a simple design to learn, and fun to do. :) "
From reader in Latur " origami goldfish my favorite fish "gold fish""
Very nicely decorated!
From reader in Mason " i decided to use a shiny gold but when i took the picture, haha the flash flash blinded me!! :D "
From Zoe in Canton " Goldfish, nicely inflated. "
From Maggie in Aberdeen:
From reader in Jacksonville:
From Meghan in Augusta " My gold fish! It took awhile to blow up but i got it! I made it a little background too."
From Noni " this is my super cute goldfish flippers :D "