Origami Boutonniere
Origami Boutonniere Step 1: Start by folding an origami square base with the color on the inside. You should have the following to start with.
Origami Square Base Video
Origami Boutonniere Step 2: Fold the top layer of both sides to the center. Crease well.
Origami Boutonniere Step 3: Flip paper over. Fold both sides to the center as well.
Origami Boutonniere Step 4: Fold the right side over to the left.
Origami Boutonniere Step 5: Rotate paper 180 degrees.
Origami Boutonniere Step 6: Crease well where indicated below and then use the crease to complete an inside reverse fold.
Watch the video below to see how to unfold the paper and form the flower.
and your origami boutonniere is complete!