Origami Harebell
Origami Harebell Step 1: Fold an origami square base. We created a separate page for the square base because it is a commonly used origami base.
Origami Harebell Step 2: Fold both the right and left sides to meet the center crease.
Origami Harebell Step 3: Flip paper over and repeat Step 2.
Origami Harebell Step 4: Fold both the right and left sides to meet the center crease again, this time starting from the top tip.
Origami Harebell Step 5: Flip paper over and repeat Step 4.
Origami Harebell Step 6: OK, we'll know concentrate on the upper half of the paper. Fold the top flap of the paper to meet the edge as indicated by the dotted lines below. Crease well and unfold.
Origami Harebell Step 7: Now we'll pry open up the paper slightly and make a squash fold.
Origami Harebell Step 8: Make a mountain fold and fold half of the paper under. It should go between the front and back side of the paper.
Origami Harebell Step 9: Now repeat Steps 6, 7 and 8 on the left side.
Origami Harebell Step 10: Flip paper over.
Origami Harebell Step 11: Repeat Steps 6, 7, 8 and 9 on this side of the paper.
Origami Harebell Step 12: We're done with the folding and we're now going to add some finishing touches. Curl the tip of the paper (petals) with a round stick or pen. We've used this technique before for other flowers like the origami lily. Just wrap the tip of the paper around a pen and it'll help to curl the paper.
Origami Harebell Step 13: Repeat for the other 3 petals.
Origami Harebell Step 14: Open up your flower slowly by pushing the paper out from the inside with your fingers. Do this gently to prevent the paper from unraveling. That's it! Your origami harebell is now complete!
You can hang them up by thread or by something more rigid like craft wire...
From Kalyani in Coimbtore " i like doing origami to make me relax and thanks to my dear for making me to know about a art called ORIGAMI. "
From Caitlin in Mason "My Flower!"
From reader in Oakland " My first time making the origami Harebell. It is pretty. "
From Robin in Regina " I made a bunch of flowers for my mom for her birthday and she absolutely loved them."
From reader in Jakarta " I love this flower <3 it's look so cute ^0^b "