How to Make an Origami Puffy Heart

Step 1

Start with the white side of the paper facing up, and fold the bottom edge up a little along the dotted line.

Step 2

Fold it in half horizontally.

Step 3

Fold the bottom left and right corners up to the top edge diagonally.

Step 4

Fold the top edges of both triangles down to the right hypotenuse.

Step 5

Crease them well, and unfold them.

Step 6

Fold the left and right corners to the left edges of the triangles, to meet the points where the creases you just made are located, creating two small triangles.

Step 7

Gently open the right small triangle, take the two layers below the triangle, and tuck them into the small triangle.

Repeat this for the left side.

Step 8

Fold the four corners of the paper’s top part to the center a little, to make the heart looks more rounder.

Blow into it from the bottom to puff it up, while pressing down the middle point of the top edge.

Step 9

Flip the paper over, this is the final shape of the cute puffy heart.

Smaller puff hearts can be much easier to make. You can make a large batch and use them as basic elements of an origami shadow box.

How to Fold an Origami HeartWe have a long list of origami hearts, from traditional origami hearts to puffy ones, origami heart with bow and Origami Blossom Hearts. Making a combination of those can make your craft or gift more expressive. What’s better, most of those origami hearts are easy to fold.