How to Make Origami Gloves

Step 1

Start with the red side of the paper facing up, fold it in half horizontally, crease it well then unfold.

Step 2

Then fold it in half vertically, crease it well then unfold.

Step 3

Fold the bottom point up to meet the center intersection point.

Step 4

Fold the bottom edge up to meet the horizontal center crease.

Step 5

Fold it up again along the center horizontal crease.

Step 6

Flip it over.

Step 7

Fold the left and right corners toward the center to meet the middle point of the bottom edge, crease it well then unfold.

Step 8

Take the right corner, fold it to the left diagonally along the black dotted line, to meet the crease you just made, crease it well then unfold.

Step 9

Repeat this for the left side.

Step 10

Fold the left and right bottom edges up to meet the creases you just made, crease it well then unfold.

Step 11

Lift the right corner along the crease shown by the dotted line to make it stand, open it, and flatten it along the middle crease of the corner.

Step 12

Fold the right edge to the left along the vertical crease.

Step 13

Open the bottom corner on the right, and flatten it.

Step 14

Fold the left corner to the right along the crease sown by the dotted line.

Step 15

Fold the right corner up diagonally along the dotted line.

Step 16

Fold the bottom right part backward along the dotted line.

Step 17

Lift the right flap, and press the left flap under it.

Step 18

Fold the top point down along the dotted line.

Fold the right corner down a little to form the thumbs.

Step 19

Flip it over, this is the final shape of a Christmas gloves.