Easy Origami Jumping Frog
Origami Easy Jumping Frog Step 1: Get an 3x5 index card that is shaped like a rectangle.
Origami Easy Jumping Frog Step 2: Then get the top corner and fold it to make a triangle.
Origami Easy Jumping Frog Step 3: Do the same to the other side and then fold it from the middle.
Origami Easy Jumping Frog Step 4: Push the 2 corners on each edge and make a double triangle.
Origami Easy Jumping Frog Step 5: Fold one edge of the triangle to the top of the triangle.
Origami Easy Jumping Frog Step 6: Do the same with the other edge and then fold the flap to the middle.
Origami Easy Jumping Frog Step 7: And do the same to the other side and then fold it in half.
Origami Easy Jumping Frog Step 8: Flip it around and fold the bottom flap in half.
And ta da! you have an easy origami jumping frog.